My Work (a small selection of what I do)
This is a small hand embroidered piece, which depicts what I guess is my 'totem' image. The dog appears in a lot of my work.
A small hand embroidered piece. I would think most people alive are familar with conditional love. But do we place those very same conditions on ourselves? And do we always have to do so?
I observed a homeless lady on a main shopping street in Berlin. She was there for many days in a row. I also observed how people reacted to her presence, raising their designer bags to shield them from such a painful sight.
Gohonzon, is the scroll to which I chant. This has a very detoxifying effect on my life which over time has allowed me to see and dissolve many of the projections and filters through which I have viewed life.
Whilst chanting one day, I observed with in my own mind, all the facets of greed, anger and stupidity that are responsible for blights such as sexism, patriarchy, war and unrestrained consumerism. A hand embroidered mixed textile collage.
The hissing bubbling stripping back of psychosis. This also reflects how death feeds new life. A hand stitched textile collage. (Now in a private collection)
I got really annoyed with myself recently when I observed how conditioned I was to the ringing of my mobile phone. Everything had to be dropped to answer will...I'm not so sure ;) Lol. A hand painted and embroidered txtile collage.
How an item of connection has turned to an item of isolation.
When did we decide that the world portrayed through the TV was better than the worlds outside our windows and in our minds? A hand painted and embroidered textile collage.
A larger piece. This is about how new ideas can so quickly spread through the power of advertising. Last year, the American idea of 'Black Friday', was introduced to the UK. It took off with great gusto. I suspect this year it will seem as if it has always been a part of our culture.
A much larger piece, this is about making up your own mind about things on the most profound level. A hand painted and embroidered textile collage